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Summary on country

Topic: Country
by Abi, 2018 Cohort

Note: This entry was created in 2018, when the task was to “summarise a key reading”, and so may not represent a good example to model current primer entries on.

The origin place for Indigenous Australians#

Spiritual connections to land transcend time and place. In an Aboriginal Australia, country is an individuals land and sea, and ones place of heritage. Country is feeling a sense of undeniable belonging. Country is communities coming together to feel the earth beneath their feet, and the moments that await. Country is life.

Aboriginal Australia possesses the oldest cultural history to date. Within this dense culture, country lies at the heart of spirituality. It is the place where life begins, it is the grounds where life takes place, it is the place where life as we know it, comes to an end. For many, the significance of country needs to be felt to understand. The inexplicable feeling of calm that overcomes one when they are in the water, or exploring the beauty of mother natures resilient mountains and breath-taking views, whilst witnessing its healing powers.

Individuals may leave country as a result of poor policies, life choices or circumstance, but these disconnections to country can be dangerous and destructive. Culture, words and traditions have been lost because of a lack of respect and ingrained fears, but ones connection to country can always be reignited and its significance and power must not be underestimated. Country is a place of belonging and a way of believing. It creates a sense of identity that permeates through communities the connections of which lead to better outcomes for individuals across the nation.

There is no doubting that making ones own journey to country is integral, and there is something to be said about country being the key to Indigenous reconciliation and a level of understanding that is so deeply missing from the current discourse. Country cannot be explained in black and white lettering. It must be seen, felt and experienced. There is so much to country, and every individual has a unique story of country to tell. When Vincent Lingiari led 200 Gurindji stockmen in a walk off protesting poor wages and inhumane treatment at Wave Hill in 1975, the nation was awakened to the devastating reality that Aboriginal people who once lived proudly for tens of thousands of years had been reduced to being treated like animals. Decades on, the plight of Aboriginal Australia continues.

That iconic image of Gough Whitlam pouring red earth into Vincent Lingiari’s hand did not just capture an act of law and policy, it captured country being returned to its rightful owners. It captured country being respected and loved as it had been for generations past. This land will be the possession of you and your children forever - words that vindicated a painful and long struggle for protecting ones At ANU, the destruction of old buildings is not one of destruction at all, but the revealing of truth that lies at the heart of Aboriginal country in the Australian Capital Territory. It is a reinvigoration of earth, stories, culture and life. In understanding country and working towards a united nation that celebrates and benefits from such an ancient and wondrous culture, we must learn to talk together, walk together and beyond all, experience country together.

Please refer to the following for more information:

  • Vincent Lingiari the Leader (ABC)!/digibook/618856/vincent-lingiari-the-leader
  • Who We Are: Country/Place (Reconciliation Australia)
  • Aboriginal Australia Our Country Is Waiting For You (Australia Tourism)
  • Our Connection to Country (Small Town Culture)

Explore this topic further#

  • Bruce Pascoe on Aboriginal agriculture Radio National{.link-ext target=”_blank”}
  • NITV’s coverage of Nat’s Journey to Country NITV{.link-ext target=”_blank”}
  • ABC’s Education package on Vincent Lingiari ABC Website{.link-ext target=”_blank”} ABC News Timeline{.link-ext target=”_blank”}
Return to Country in the Primer


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Note: This entry was created in 2018, when the task was to “summarise a key reading”, and so may not represent a good example to model current primer entries on.

The origin place for Indigenous Australians#

Spiritual connections to land transcend time and place. In an Aboriginal Australia, country is an individuals land and sea, and ones place of heritage. Country is feeling a sense of undeniable belonging. Country is communities coming together to feel the earth beneath their feet, and the moments that await. Country is life.

Aboriginal Australia possesses the oldest cultural history to date. Within this dense culture, country lies at the heart of spirituality. It is the place where life begins, it is the grounds where life takes place, it is the place where life as we know it, comes to an end. For many, the significance of country needs to be felt to understand. The inexplicable feeling of calm that overcomes one when they are in the water, or exploring the beauty of mother natures resilient mountains and breath-taking views, whilst witnessing its healing powers.

Individuals may leave country as a result of poor policies, life choices or circumstance, but these disconnections to country can be dangerous and destructive. Culture, words and traditions have been lost because of a lack of respect and ingrained fears, but ones connection to country can always be reignited and its significance and power must not be underestimated. Country is a place of belonging and a way of believing. It creates a sense of identity that permeates through communities the connections of which lead to better outcomes for individuals across the nation.

There is no doubting that making ones own journey to country is integral, and there is something to be said about country being the key to Indigenous reconciliation and a level of understanding that is so deeply missing from the current discourse. Country cannot be explained in black and white lettering. It must be seen, felt and experienced. There is so much to country, and every individual has a unique story of country to tell. When Vincent Lingiari led 200 Gurindji stockmen in a walk off protesting poor wages and inhumane treatment at Wave Hill in 1975, the nation was awakened to the devastating reality that Aboriginal people who once lived proudly for tens of thousands of years had been reduced to being treated like animals. Decades on, the plight of Aboriginal Australia continues.

That iconic image of Gough Whitlam pouring red earth into Vincent Lingiari’s hand did not just capture an act of law and policy, it captured country being returned to its rightful owners. It captured country being respected and loved as it had been for generations past. This land will be the possession of you and your children forever - words that vindicated a painful and long struggle for protecting ones At ANU, the destruction of old buildings is not one of destruction at all, but the revealing of truth that lies at the heart of Aboriginal country in the Australian Capital Territory. It is a reinvigoration of earth, stories, culture and life. In understanding country and working towards a united nation that celebrates and benefits from such an ancient and wondrous culture, we must learn to talk together, walk together and beyond all, experience country together.

Please refer to the following for more information:

  • Vincent Lingiari the Leader (ABC)!/digibook/618856/vincent-lingiari-the-leader
  • Who We Are: Country/Place (Reconciliation Australia)
  • Aboriginal Australia Our Country Is Waiting For You (Australia Tourism)
  • Our Connection to Country (Small Town Culture)
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