Primer Home / Uncertainty / Uncertainties are opportunities- COVID-19

Uncertainties are opportunities- COVID-19

Topic: Uncertainty
by Elaine, 2020 Cohort

Uncertainty is a complex and complicated topic that is relevant to every discipline, but at the same time is not related to any specific discipline. Uncertainty concerns about the present and the future, the unknowns, possibilities, changes, and all other kinds of unpredictable situations.

The global pandemic started at the end of 2019 (it’s uncertain when) has been a complex issue that creates various uncertainties around the world. With all the unknowns in hand and the unpredictable future in the pandemic, we seek to unpack the strategies and approaches that multiple disciplines embraces the uncertainties. On top of that, there are also some core qualities that would help us to get through COVID-19. In the middle of COVID-19 and uncertainties are like in the middle of the snow- the dangers are hidden, but so as the opportunities and possible

Motivations of uncertainty in different disciplines#

Here are how different fields making good uses of uncertainty under COVID-19:

Arts & Social Sciences/Law#

Many artists are making artworks on the current situation, like what they do to and in other uncertain situations, such as drawing graffiti on the streets, to express and share their understandings and feelings of the pandemic. On the other hand, social sciences disciplines such as Sociology and International Relations are reassessing the dynamics of a society in this condition, as well as the international system is reshaped under this threat. Countries are also introducing new rules of law and legal measures for the safety and health of the general public.

Business & Economics/Engineering & Computer Science#

There are many businesses suffering from the pandemic and have to size down or close down, while on the other hand, there are a lot of new businesses based on the changing systems. There are new modes and technologies to earn money, such as more applications that allow people to gather online, as well as working from home.

Health & Medicine/Science#

COVID-19 is an unprecedented challenge to everyone, and particularly for the medical world, as the entire world relies on medicines and vaccines to combat the virus, as the first step to return to a “normal life”. This challenge also motivates more researches and experiments on medicines and public health, including distinguishing edible and non-edible animals.

Mindset and qualities#


“The unknown is an ocean. Knowledge is an island. The bigger the island, the larger the border between the known and unknown.” It might be easier to escape from the uncertain situation that brings fear, but in a long-term approach, it is always safer and more productive to be prepared, to attain more knowledges and methods, in order to face any situations in this ever-changing world.


As the world and the future is uncertain and constantly changing, it is the best to develop and expand our capacities to persist in, adapt to, and transform in changes and challenges.


Above all, building trust in people and ourselves is vital. As things change and given that the future is unpredictable, having faith and love for people around us and for ourselves is the best weapon against any unexpected threats and unknown challenges.

Explore this topic further#

Return to Uncertainty in the Primer


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Uncertainty is a complex and complicated topic that is relevant to every discipline, but at the same time is not related to any specific discipline. Uncertainty concerns about the present and the future, the unknowns, possibilities, changes, and all other kinds of unpredictable situations.

The global pandemic started at the end of 2019 (it’s uncertain when) has been a complex issue that creates various uncertainties around the world. With all the unknowns in hand and the unpredictable future in the pandemic, we seek to unpack the strategies and approaches that multiple disciplines embraces the uncertainties. On top of that, there are also some core qualities that would help us to get through COVID-19. In the middle of COVID-19 and uncertainties are like in the middle of the snow- the dangers are hidden, but so as the opportunities and possible

Motivations of uncertainty in different disciplines#

Here are how different fields making good uses of uncertainty under COVID-19:

Arts & Social Sciences/Law#

Many artists are making artworks on the current situation, like what they do to and in other uncertain situations, such as drawing graffiti on the streets, to express and share their understandings and feelings of the pandemic. On the other hand, social sciences disciplines such as Sociology and International Relations are reassessing the dynamics of a society in this condition, as well as the international system is reshaped under this threat. Countries are also introducing new rules of law and legal measures for the safety and health of the general public.

Business & Economics/Engineering & Computer Science#

There are many businesses suffering from the pandemic and have to size down or close down, while on the other hand, there are a lot of new businesses based on the changing systems. There are new modes and technologies to earn money, such as more applications that allow people to gather online, as well as working from home.

Health & Medicine/Science#

COVID-19 is an unprecedented challenge to everyone, and particularly for the medical world, as the entire world relies on medicines and vaccines to combat the virus, as the first step to return to a “normal life”. This challenge also motivates more researches and experiments on medicines and public health, including distinguishing edible and non-edible animals.

Mindset and qualities#


“The unknown is an ocean. Knowledge is an island. The bigger the island, the larger the border between the known and unknown.” It might be easier to escape from the uncertain situation that brings fear, but in a long-term approach, it is always safer and more productive to be prepared, to attain more knowledges and methods, in order to face any situations in this ever-changing world.


As the world and the future is uncertain and constantly changing, it is the best to develop and expand our capacities to persist in, adapt to, and transform in changes and challenges.


Above all, building trust in people and ourselves is vital. As things change and given that the future is unpredictable, having faith and love for people around us and for ourselves is the best weapon against any unexpected threats and unknown challenges.

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